E hihiri ana, we are so thrilled to be launching Rauora to te ao marama

Come and join us as we celebrate the launch of Rauora, a whare whakaruruhau, which aims to create resources to support whānau to live in ways that build stronger connection to Papatūānuku. Through building and eating from māra kai, we share tips on how to reduce waste, and support whānau to learn practical skills to save money and resources, like sewing, composting, harvesting wild kai, making simple pani rongoā, all the while, building our reo and connection to whakapapa.
Rauora was founded by (L-R) Te Kawa Robb (Ngāti Awa, Ngāti Pūkeko, Ngāti Ranginui, Ngāi Te Rangi), Shirley Simmonds (Ngāti Raukawa, Ngāpuhi), and Te Atawhai Kumar (Ngāpuhi, Te Rarawa, Whīti) while pondering the skills and knowledge of our kaumātua and tūpuna while staying safe at home during the lockdowns of 2020, and how having a stronger grasp and knowledge of those would have contributed to a greater sense of resilience and wellbeing.
Huamārama is the first in a series of resources that are created to help whānau with their own wellbeing and resilience building goals.
Our Live launch will coincide with the launch of our website, www.rauora.org, and opening of pre-orders for Huamārama through the website. Huamārama will be shipped on Feb 15th 2022.